The Secret to Meaningful Relationships
10 CE Hours
Most clients lack healthy relationships. Let’s face it; many professionals also struggle in the relationship department. Learn 20 guidelines to help your clients unravel the complex nature of their relationships and establish functional and fulfilling connections.
$80 / $40

When Tripping Becomes Treatment
2 CE Hours
Move over cannabis and CBD… There’s a new medicinal powerhouse on the horizon. Review the research being conducted at renowned institutions, like NYU and John's Hopkins, that explores the use of psychedelics to treat conditions like anxiety, depression, PTSD, and addiction.
$20 / $10

Find Your Happy
20 CE Hours
This book is a #1 Amazon Best Seller for a reason! Everyone is on a quest to discover more happiness; clients, friends, neighbors, co-workers, family (and counselors too!). Discover 30 Keys to Happiness that are as much for the counseling professional, as they are for the clients they serve.
$140 / $70

To Friend or Not to Friend
3 CE Hours
With billions (with a “B”) of social media users, you’re bound to receive the proverbial friend request from a client at some point. This course explores how clinicians can appreciate the benefits of our online world, while ethically navigating these waters to ensure client privacy and safety.
$30 / $15

You Can Lead a Horse to Water
10 CE Hours
Ever wonder how to ignite client insight, desire, motivation, and goal achievement? Explore counseling strategies that help clients to develop intrinsic desire to reach goals, motivation to live with purpose, and the skills to lead a balanced life.
$80 / $40

The Secret to an Effective Therapeutic Group
10 CE Hours
Does the thought of being outnumbered by a room full of resistant clients intimidate you? This candid course discusses what it really takes to operate an effective therapeutic group. Discover the #1 benefit of group counseling (from the client’s perspective) and the simple test that can tell you how well your group is functioning.
$80 / $40

Your Butt is in My Sacred Chair
24 CE Hours
What counseling techniques really work? Ahhh…. That is the question of the hour. Sadly, outcomes in our line of work are generally pretty grim. Explore what really works in treatment and what doesn’t work so well. Learn about “the sacred chair” concept and the importance of utilizing a holistic approach to wellness.
$168 / $84